Natural Gas conservation tips
Do you know how much energy your natural gas appliances use?
Before you take steps to conserve, it’s helpful to know how many therms of natural gas your appliances use on average.
Appliance |
Average Therms Used |
Water Heater |
24 therms/month |
Range |
2 therms/month |
Dryer |
5 therms/month |
Gas Grill |
0.23 therms per use |
Gas Logs |
3 therms every 8 hours |
These are only approximations. |
You can save energy and still enjoy the comfort and reliability of clean, efficient natural gas. Knowing how to conserve energy can help lower your energy bills and balance your household budget. Try these free or low-cost energy-saving tips.
Heating and Cooling tips
- Set your thermostat at 65°-68° F during the winter while you’re home during the day, and lower it at night or while you’re away to 55°-58° F. Keep in mind that seniors and individuals with health problems may require a warmer setting.
- Install a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature when you’re not at home. You could see an annual savings by programming your thermostat five degrees lower for eight hours per day during the winter.
- Use a humidifier in colder months. When air is moist, you’ll feel warmer and you can keep your thermostat lower.
- Check your furnace filter frequently, and replace or clean it once a month or as needed. A dirty filter can drive up the cost of heating your home.
- Set your thermostat at 78° F or higher during the summer.
- In winter, open draperies to let in the sun’s warmth during the day; close draperies to slow the loss of heat through the glass at night. In the summer, close curtains on sun-exposed windows.
- Rearrange furniture or shorten draperies so heating registers and air returns aren’t blocked.
Appliance Tips
- Lower the temperature setting on your washing machine. Most of the energy your washing machine uses is for heating water. Wash your laundry with warm or cold water rather than hot; then rinse in cold water.
- Run only full loads in your dishwasher. Avoid the rinse-and-hold cycle and save the seven to 10 gallons of water that pre-rinsing requires.
- Reduce the demand on your water heater by taking shorter showers. Install water-saving, low-flow shower heads and set your water to less than full force.
- Turn your water heater thermostat to no more than 120° F or to the “warm” setting.
- Set your water temperature control to the pilot position when your home is vacant for more than 2 days.
- Repair any dripping faucets (DRIP LOSS CALULATOR).
- Make low-cost “storm windows” by placing plastic over windows.
- Keep your freezer and refrigerator as full as possible.
- Position your refrigerator and freezer away from your cooking range, when possible.
- Wash clothes in cold water. Most of today’s laundry detergents work effectively in cold water.
- Clean the lint from your dryer after each use.
- Set your dishwasher on the low-temperature setting unless your dishes are very dirty.
- Use the “energy saver” switch on your dishwasher to shut off the drying element. That greatly reduces the energy used.
- Preheat your oven only if a recipe calls for it.
- Use microwaves, toaster ovens, and slow cookers to save energy costs.
Insulation and Weather Stripping Tips
- Weatherize your home. Use caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows to seal cracks and leaks. Hold a feather or a burning incense stick in front of a window. If the feather or smoke moves away from the window, you have a leak and should weatherize. See your local home improvement retailer for classes and easy how-to tips.
- Check the insulation level in your attic. Proper insulation can reduce your heating and cooling bills by up to 30 percent. If you have less than seven inches of fiberglass insulation in your attic, consider adding another layer. The higher the insulation value, the better protection you have against cold and heat.
Monday–Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
116 Church Street, Ripley, TN 38063
(731) 635-1212